
Yesterday’s Dream

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That is the title of the last piece of work I painted purely for myself, which sold within days. The reason being? I am completely snowed under with commissions. Over the last couple of months they seem to have come in pretty much one after another. My personal Yesterday’s Dream, one I’ve had as a child, is to be a selling artist and I’m certainly that now.

As my work, my success and my journey progresses I’m constantly finding new challenges, be they artistic or the more, in my mind, mundane tasks of business. I’m sure my business partner, the ‘engineer’, would find the reference to “mundane tasks” a tad irritating. I owe him much!

It’s such a pleasure, after years in the darkness of addiction, to see the fruits of my labor paying off and for that I am deeply grateful. I have to say that without the support of all those who follow my work it would have taken longer to get to this point, so thank you. Each and everyone of you.

As ever, I continue to tread the path, to take the journey I’m meant to; One Day at a Time.

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